Do you habitstack? April 30, 2024Jenny Parkes #habitstacking is the trend taking over Tik Tok promising to streamline our lives & make us more efficient. The premise behind habit stacking is that you build routines around simple...
Zinc: An under the radar hero in the battle with blemishes April 30, 2024Jenny Parkes In recent years, Zinc has slipped under the radar as a key fighter in the battle against blemishes. However it is a powerhouse to have in your skincare arsenal to...
What causes Hyperpigmentation in the skin and how can it be treated? February 27, 2024Jenny Parkes Discolouration of the skin, or Hyperpigmentation, is a common skin concern affecting individuals of all skin types. Firstly we need to understand exactly what hyperpigmentation is, to truly get to...
The benefits of Niacinamide: Your Skin's Best Friend February 26, 2024Jenny Parkes Also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinamide, Niacinamide is a powerhouse when it comes to multi-tasking and has many benefits for a variety of different skin types. If you aren’t...
The science behind skincare microdarts February 26, 2024Sarah Radovich At Prickly Pear we are all about efficiency and "skinplicity" as well like to call it. We were tired of being told we needed a bathroom shelf so full of...